
We use research to help people produce better results in technology.

Eliciting a set of gestures for controlling mobile robots in future Smart Cities. Project funded by The Polish Ministry of Education and Science under the project Studenckie Koła Naukowe Tworzą Innowacje.

The design and implementation of modular “suit” embodying the vision of “Industry 4.0”. Project funded by The Polish Ministry of Education and Science under the project Studenckie Koła Naukowe Tworzą Innowacje.


VR game controlled by mind. We investigated how mind-computer interfaces influance immersion. Two mental states are recognised: focused and relaxed. In the game, the player uses telekinesis and super-vision to solve puzzles.


Gapeau is a wearable that augments the sense of distance to others using head-mounted sensors integrated in a hat. The recent pandemic outbreak proved that keeping the safe distance is important. The prototype was evaluated in a controlled experiment during an in-the-wild study.

Remote Health Monitoring

A user study assessing the usability of wearable devices designed for elderly people to remotely monitor health and general condition. Project in cooperation with the City Hall of Lodz and HRP Care company.


Hapticollar is a navigating system for the blind and visually-impaired which conveys information regarding possible direction of movement through vibrotactile stimulation localized on the neck. 



SpiderHand is an interactive system supporting the treatment of arachnophobia. The presented solution offers a quasi-direct interaction with a spider (or its replica), modelling the patient’s movement onto robot’s operation.


Smart Medication Dispenser

The Smart Medication Dispenser for Elderly with Remote Monitoring for Caretakers is designed to help people who are prescribed multiple medications to manage them easily and take them safely.



ARchemist is a laboratory task management tool, designed to enhance students’ self-awareness and control over performed hands-on exercises. It takes the advantage of mobile augmented reality solutions to provide in-situ guidance for laboratory procedures.

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Swing Mate - Automated Interactive Golf Coach

SwingMate is an interactive golf driving range post designed to autonomously assess the player’s performance.

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fishWords is an application designed for those who want to learn a secondary language. It is a novel approach to learning a foreign language by focusing on the language’s vocab alone.

Interactive Technology for People with Colour Vision Deficiency

Ten percent of all males live with a colour vision deficiency, meaning their visual perception of colour is limited or absent causing challenges in their daily lives.

VOS - Technology for Swimmers

We proudly inform that paper Clairbuoyance: Improving Directional Perception for Swimmers earned Best Paper Honorable Mention Prize during The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019.

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