Mikołaj Woźniak


Mikołaj Woźniak

Student Researcher


Hi, I’m Mikołaj. I act as student researcher in UbiCOMP. I hold a B.Sc. degree in telecommunications and computer science, and I’m currently a senior-year student in Electronics and Telecommunications M.Sc. programme. My research interest is focused on haptics and tangible computing, engineering interactive systems for athletes and exploring multimodal feedback technologies. I am an experienced design thinking facilitator and enjoy convincing fellow students that design is important.

Besides my work at UbiCOMP, I am cooperating with t2i Interaction Lab at Chalmers (Gothenburg, Sweden) and Department Informatica at Utrecht University. To see what I’ve been up to recently, check my Google Scholar.

I am a programme committee member for the M.Sc. in Human-Computer Interaction at Lodz University of Technology. If you have any questions or need assistance concerning the programme, please drop me an email. I am also involved as research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Applied Computer Science.

During winter semester 2018/2019, I joined the Communication and Media Design group at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and their B.Sc. programme in UX design. I also acted as head of the UbiCOMP between 2018 and 2020.

If you would like to join or set up a project concerning human-computer interaction or ubiquitous computing, I am constantly looking for people to cooperate and usually have some fresh ideas for research-oriented projects. I am also available for co-supervision of B.Sc. thesis projects concerning interactive systems, in various computer science and electrical engineering programs. Drop me an email to get in touch.



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